Sunday Funday? Or is it more like chore day, bore day?
Around our house, Sunday is generally the day to get stuff done! It is the day that we take to get ourselves ready for the upcoming week, and try and reset from the weekend. This could be anything from catching up on blogs (wink wink) to doing actual chores….like….real chores. Dusting, cleaning, wiping, rinsing….you know. Chores!
I think it goes without saying that nobody wants to spend their day cleaning, but it’s one of those things that we have to do…even us disabled folk! I think one of the biggest misconceptions out there, at least in my personal situation, is that due to the fact I am disabled and a wheelchair user, I don’t (or can’t) help out around these house, especially when it comes to chores. But let me say, this couldn’t be further from the truth! While there are definitely things around the house I cannot do due to physical limitations, there are a lot of things i CAN do, and do quite well!
With my Edge 3 Stretto power wheelchair (which has iLevel technology), I am able to raise myself up to reach shelves and cupboards that my partner is unable to reach. This is perfect for when it comes to dusting and cleaning those hard to reach spots! It is also much easier thanks to iLevel for me to put away dishes and other items in cupboards and closets which I previously could not reach in my manual wheelchair. I’ve even found ways to sweep and mop the floor from my chair. Basically, I act as a “zamboni” for the floors while pushing the brooms or mops in front of me as I zip around our living areas. My partner and myself have a pretty good system of splitting up house work based on what works for the both of us and it helps keep our house as clean as possible.
There are times however where we do require some extra help around the house when it comes to cleaning. There are times where I am too tired or sore to do some household tasks, and with a new baby in the picture, there is also a lot less time for us to get these done. Luckily for us, we have a great support system of family and friends nearby who are always willing to come lend a hand when needed around the house.
If I can leave you with one tip before I sign off (to go do more chores), it would be to try and make “chore time” as fun as you can! Throw on some of your favourite music, put on your comfy clothes and just get down to work! Before you know it, your chores will be done and you’ll be back to doing whatever it is you really want to do!