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Quantum Rehab

Saying Goodbye to the Old Chair

by Jared Wayland

Saying Goodbye to the Old Chair I took possession of my first Quantum Stretto power chair in early 2000, just after the Covid 19 Pandemic had started. As I’ve spoken about it in previous blogs, it was quite the transition going from using a manual chair to a power chair - but ultimately, it afforded me freedom and independence that I hadn’t had in a long time. I was in that Stretto every day from April 2020 until mid-January 2023, and I can honestly say that we never had any major issues. Of course, we had the normal “wear and tear” that like anything you use daily would acquire over time, but they were issues most often fixed with a simple allen key to tighten something up. Considering I put almost 3,000km on that chair, I’ve got to say that I am extremely impressed with how comfortable and safe it kept me over our years together. That Stretto, which I affectionately named “The Green Goblin”, saw almost every sort of terrain and weather that you could imagine. From the rainiest summer days to some of the biggest snowstorms we’ve had, that chair could handle the elements incredibly, regardless of what was thrown at it. I never could have imagined when I got the chair just how many adventures and trips it would accompany me on! All of a sudden, I was able to make plans on a whim, and just ‘zip’ over to so many new places. I loved that Stretto so much and I’m so thankful for the years that I had with it. However, times change, and technology and people change with it. Over the last few years, my body has changed and my physical abilities have also changed - so when the folks at Quantum saw how I felt about getting into the brand new Quantum Stretto with TB-4 technology, they saw how excited I was - how could I say ‘no’! A new chair with new and upgraded capabilities would give me even more freedom and independence when I’m going about my daily life and being fitted to a new chair would mean that I am even more comfortable than before because it is fitted to me! I’ve currently spent about 2 weeks in my new chair, and honestly, I’m still getting used to some of the upgrades and changes. It’s almost like re-learning what my chair can do, but it is extremely fun and exciting. I can tell you though that I am extremely comfortable and the addition of being able to program and save specific seating positions has been really nice! Once I have figured out all the bells and whistles, I will be sure to follow up with a blog outlining some of the exciting new things that the TB-4 technology offers, so stay tuned!