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Quantum Rehab

Lennon’s Easter Adventure

by Lennon Ferri's Mom

Lennon could hardly contain her excitement; this Easter was different. This Easter, she would embark on her Easter egg hunt in her Stretto. She had been eagerly awaiting this day ever since she got her hands on the sleek, bright pink chair.

With a twinkle in their eyes, Lennon and her little sister, Leighton, rushed into the living room, where the Easter Bunny had left some surprises and the start of the Easter egg hunt. Colourful eggs were scattered around the house.

The Easter egg hunt was in full swing, the excitement was real. But as Leighton glanced around the living room, her heart sank at the sight of eggs perched high up in unreachable spots.

Sensing her sister’s disappointment, Lennon, in her trusty Stretto equipped with iLevel, sprang into action. With a determined grin and a new look of pride on her face, she reassured her sister, “Don’t worry sis, I’ve got this!”

Using her quick wit and the agility of her Stretto, Lennon activated the iLevel feature, the Stretto raised to a higher position, and Lennon easily grabbed the eggs that were out of reach for Leighton and would have been out of reach for her as well, in her “pre-Stretto” days. I watched in awe as she effortlessly reached for eggs hidden on the shelves, the Stretto’s iLevel feature proving to be a game-changer for Easter egg hunts.

Soon, Lennon had gathered a basket full of colourful eggs, each one a testament to her determination. But the adventure wasn’t over yet, the Bunny had left more in the backyard!

As the girls neared the end of the hunt, Lennon noticed a few eggs nestled in the branches of a tall tree, well beyond her reach even with iLevel activated. Without hesitation, she glanced around, searching for a solution. She yelled out “I need my broom!”

As Lennon clutched the broom, and with a triumphant cheer, they fell from their branch, one landing right in Lennon’s basket!

As Lennon rolled back to the deck, you could tell she was so proud of herself. She may have faced obstacles, but she overcame them with grace. Her Easter egg hunt in her Stretto had been a true adventure, filled with laughter, excitement, and my personal favourite, a newfound sense of independence.

As we all exchanged smiles, we knew that this Easter would be one we would never forget. And as Lennon broke into her chocolate treasures later that day, she said she really loved her new Stretto. We can’t help but feel so grateful for the Stretto and the freedom it has given her to fully embrace the joys of every season.