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Quantum Rehab

Power Wheelchairs and Sports

by Marie Pontini

When I got my power wheelchair, it felt like there was no point in playing sports if I would be dependent upon the chair.

I’m glad I kept looking because I could not have been more wrong!

My favourite sport is bodybuilding. Training with a Quantum Rehab Power Wheelchair is extremely useful for most exercises because I can use the anterior tilt, back tilt and even iLevel to position myself the way I want without transferring to a bench. Either at home or in the gym, it is often better than using the machines.

I train at home mostly with resistance bands, and in the gym with cables, free weights, and barbells. I also transfer to a machine sometimes, but I prefer to stay in my power chair.

The risk of unbalance that comes with a manual wheelchair can not compare to training with my power wheelchair.

What about other sports?

Last winter, I tried skating at my local outdoor ice rink with my power wheelchair. To my surprise, the feeling of skating in my power wheelchair was very comfortable! The good part is that we don't need any additional equipment and more ice-skating rinks are gradually allowing power wheelchair users to do it, especially outdoor ones.

I was also a skilled dancer, dancing in nightclubs before being a wheelchair user. I learned how to dance with my Quantum Rehab Power Wheelchair and I loved it! I developed my own way to dance while seated, often using my hands to do the movement my feet and legs would usually do.

My friends and I love to go dancing at the casino because their dance floors are very big for all of us, and casinos are usually completely accessible, with accessible bathrooms and other amenities. I often go on my own, just to dance!

There are many different sports that can be performed while using a power wheelchair and believe me, they are absolutely worth trying, at least once! I know the idea may often seem strange, but trust me, it is absolutely worth trying! You may even discover a new passion!