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Quantum Rehab

Spring Cleaning

by Marie Pontini

Spring is here! Time for the big cleanup! Every time the season changes, I do a big cleanup of my house; rotate clothes from winter to summer, wash my windows, etc. I also find it important to do a good deep cleaning of my Quantum Rehab Power Wheelchair! It is not a necessity, but it helps to see if there are any breaks or loose screws that need to be fixed. A yearly inspection by a professional technician is recommended for those mechanical parts. The reason I wash my wheelchair, repaint marks and wash the covers is because I use it daily, and just like a shower, it feels good to use a clean mobility aid. Not only does it look and smell good but it acts as a form of self-respect for myself. Washing my wheelchair, doing a little maintenance and fine tuning, tightening every screw, and changing the cushion cover of the backrest and the seat, as well as the seat cushion, are all steps of my spring cleanup. Seasonally isn’t the only time I pause to give my wheelchair a refresh. I also do a quick 5 minute version of my spring clean on a daily or weekly basis. A small cloth rag, or old face towel (wet or dry) coupled with car wipes tend to do the trick. Let me take you through my 5 minute clean up : I like to start with the less dirty parts, then make my way to the more dirty spots. It often means I start from the upper part moving down towards the bottom. First with the armrests, top of the base, fender lights, tires, motors, and in the end, the caster wheels. This way, I don’t have to rinse my rag too often or change the wipe. The top to bottom method also means I get done faster! For me, keeping my wheelchair clean is a representation of who I am. It gives me a lot of pride knowing my wheelchair looks as good as I do!