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Quantum Rehab

USB Port Charger

by Marie Pontini

When a new feature is available for power wheelchairs, it may just seem like a small, additional accessory to others, but it can be completely life changing for those of us in wheelchairs. The autonomy and freedom it can provide for us is outstanding. The new option to add a USB port to the Stretto power wheelchair is an excellent example. It may seem like such a small change to those on the outside, but to me, it has helped me a great deal in my everyday life. During my daily outings, I rely on my cell phone for many things. I use my cell phone to communicate with others, check my emails, and listen to music that allows me to remain calm. I also use it to scroll through my social media channels. Additionally, I use it as a tool to shoot videos and make content, to complete documents, take photos and so much more. Unfortunately, as many people know, cell phones have a short battery life and it seems to be getting shorter and shorter over time. For me, a cellphone is an essential tool, but also a reassuring element that can help me in case of trouble or emergency. Now that I have the option to charge my cellphone while seated in my Stretto power wheelchair, I no longer have to worry about my phone running out of battery. It’s a huge relief to me, and now I can carry on with my day without having to worry about this. This new accessory has also been very helpful for many of my friends and family who also use a wheelchair. The USB port in the Stretto wheelchair is easy to install and even easier to use. This new feature allows me to stay connected to the rest of the world, and still complete all of my daily activities. It confirms to me that new features and new technology like the USB Port Charger for power wheelchairs can make such a huge impact on so many lives.