Jared Wayland is a graphic designer by trade living in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, with his "amazing fiancée." They recently purchased a house together in 2019 and are getting married in 2021. Whether it's helping out with a little cleaning or grilling on the BBQ, Jared wants to move at the speed of life, not just when someone can help him get around.
When Jared was 13 years old, he was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy type 3. As an active child growing up, Jared naturally excelled playing sports, primarily hockey, soccer, and golf. So, as his disease progressed, this introduced special challenges in doing what he loved, until finally at age 17, playing sports became impossible.
Jared used all kinds of mobility aids throughout his life: a cane, a manual wheelchair, a scooter… none of these gave him the independence he needed to do what he wanted in his life.
Enter the Edge 3 Stretto, Quantum's narrowest and most advanced power wheelchair ever designed! It allows Jared to effortlessly navigate tight spaces or corners in his home. With iLevel® technology, Jared can drive 7km/h fully elevated for enhanced social interaction. Independent SRS (Smooth Ride Suspension) on the Stretto handles uneven terrain. Jared also enjoys the standard features on the Stretto, such as the USB charger and front and rear LED fender lights.
Jared says that his Edge 3 Stretto has made a world of a difference in his daily life and independence.
Diagnosed with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, Josh McDermott has always been sensitive to the feelings of people with disabilities. As a teenager, Josh became active in the disability community, sharing his experience with muscular dystrophy in hopes that it would help people in similar situations.
At the age of 18, Josh became a national spokesperson for Quantum Rehab®. Now, he is a leading voice for people with disabilities. As a Quantum spokesperson, Josh attests to the value of complex rehab technology, explaining how it has helped him live an active life and fulfilling life.
As a longtime owner of mobility devices, Josh has a wealth of product knowledge and understanding. He speaks very highly of his Quantum Q6 Edge 2.0® Power Chair with iLevel® Power Adjustable Seat Height. With this chair, he has better access to his environment, and he can look people in the eye when he talks to them, which he says is important.
One of Josh's greatest passions in life is to help people live their lives to the fullest. As one who has a disability, he understands the importance of having the right equipment, and he enjoys guiding people in their quest to find it. Much of his time is spent attending trade shows and meeting with others who have disabilities. Josh has participated in telethons for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, met with consumers at the Abilities Expo shows, and volunteered at the Center for Courageous Kids, a camp for children with various medical conditions and disabilities.
Josh has been featured in Mobility Management, a publication written especially for mobility and rehab suppliers and clinicians. Josh was interviewed by editor Laurie Watanabe for an edition which focused on issues related to living with muscular dystrophy. Josh has also been featured in Quantum's My Edge advertisements, which have appeared online and in industry trade publications.
During his spare time, Josh enjoys a number of outdoor activities. Never one to stay inside and sit on his computer all day, he loves riding quads and hanging out at the beach, attributing his love of the outdoors to growing up in a family that preferred camping trips over hotel rooms for vacations. In the future, Josh plans to spend his winters in Florida because the warm weather is good for his muscles.
Whatever the future may hold for Josh, he is determined to meet it with his trademark good nature and never look back.
There's no stopping Stephanie Woodward. In May 2013, Stephanie graduated magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate in law and a Master of Science in cultural foundations of education in which her concentration also earned her a Certificate of Advanced Study in disability studies.
Stephanie, who has spina bifida, says that her areas of focus in her education and career are by no means a coincidence. In her new job, Stephanie works on disability rights cases ranging from basic access issues such as restaurant inaccessibility to removing disabled people from institutions.
While an undergraduate at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y., Stephanie was a transportation advocate part-time for the Center for Disability Rights in Rochester. She also worked on the disability council of Sen. Tom Harkin, who authored the bill that created the American Disabilities Act, and completed an internship at Empire Justice, a non-profit legal organization in Rochester that helps people with disabilities get the proper legal services they need.
During law school, Stephanie was a research assistant. During her final year, Stephanie was chosen as the inaugural fellow for the Olinsky Law Group/Burton Blatt Institute Fellowship, which enabled her to learn about disability law cases with the Olinsky Law Group and continue as a research assistant at the Burton Blatt Institute.
Stephanie says her Q6 Edge® helps her to fulfill her busy schedule from the courtroom to a night out with her closest friends.
If Jesse Cuellar were to offer one piece of advice, it would be, “Make sure to stay humble and remember anything is possible.” After all, Jesse would certainly know best – after a C3-C4 spinal cord injury left him paralyzed from the neck down in 2010, Jesse had the option of giving up his passion for art or continuing in any way possible. Now he makes beautiful paintings using his mouth, proving that anything is possible, while still staying humble. He’s earned the advice he gives to others.
Drawing on life experiences he’s had, the 33-year-old uses his talent to create pictures of beauty, which he enjoys sharing with others. His art has been featured in a range of magazines and he has received an award from his local news channel for making a difference in the world of others.
Aside from his love of art, Jesse also enjoys spending time with his family and friends and adding to his impressive shoe collection.
Jesse says his Q6 Edge® 2.0 with iLevel® allows him to do what he loves – painting. He is extremely grateful that he has the ability to partake in his passion and is happy to represent Quantum Rehab.
Kiel Eigen lives a very active life. If he isn't attending his college classes, he's probably pumping iron at the gym or showing some team spirit at a local sporting event. For Kiel, life is all about experience.
At the age of 14, while in eighth grade, Kiel's life took an unexpected turn. While tackling another player during a school football game, he broke his C5 vertebrae and injured his spinal cord.
Today, Kiel is a criminal justice major and he hopes to be a disability rights lawyer one day. At home, Kiel has the support of a loving family. His parents, Kandi and Keith, and his older brother, Jared, are always willing to help him with anything he needs.
Between his various engagements, Kiel attends regular physical therapy sessions at Allied Services. Now, thanks to his hard work, he is able to walk very short distances with braces and a walker. When he was a senior at Old Forge High School, he demonstrated that feat in front of a large audience.
Going forward, Kiel plans to keep focusing on family, friends, weights and everything else found in between.